Nutricia research foundation
Nutricia research foundation
- Home | Nutricia research foundation The basic activity of the Foundation to fulfil its mission is supplying grants for nutrition related research projects to young investigators. Project grants are available for a period of one year.
- How We Work | Nutricia Research Working with an extensive external network, including hospitals, universities and scientific advisory boards, Nutricia leverages the latest nutritional insights to develop evidence-based .
- About the Foundation | Nutricia research foundation We offer nutritional solutions that positively impact the health from early life and onwards into old age. Malnutrition affects both children and adults, often going unnoticed without proper .
- The Nutricia Research Foundation is an independent charity. Contact information: Requests for application forms, correspondence and enquiries should be directed to.
Nutricia research foundation | . |
How We Work | . |
International Training Fellowships | . |
International Training Fellowships | Nutricia research foundation | . |